Anagrams and creating words – games with letters
As long as there has been the written word, there been the tradition of all sorts of word games and verbal play. One of the most popular word games is the creation of anagrams. What are anagrams and where did their popularity come from?
What are anagrams and where did their popularity come from?
The word anagram comes from the Greek “ana” meaning anew and “gramma” meaning a letter. Anagram is simply a word, name or phrase, or even an entire sentence that is created by rearranging the letters or syllables of one word or phrase to form a different word or phrase. It is important that all the letters of the previous word in the newly created word or phrase are used.

Creating anagrams can be great fun and excellent practice for our minds. Anagrams can be created in many ways. One way is to form a new word from the letters of the original word or words by reading them backwards, for example, evil = vile, tap = pat and smart = trams.
Another interesting way to create anagrams is to switch syllables in the original word. Here there will be many more possibilities, e.g. demo = mode, notebook = book note and listen = enlist.
JHowever, perhaps the most interesting, but also the most challenging way of creating anagrams is to arrange the letters of the base word in a completely different order. And although it is not the easiest verbal puzzle, we can find many interesting examples of such anagrams: listen = silent, gentleman = elegant man, aligned = dealing, allergy = gallery and alerted = related are just a few examples.
How to create anagrams?
It's simple. This can be done in a classic way, using a sheet of paper and a pen. Let’s write a word that comes to mind, e.g. our name, surname or anything else and print all the letters in a different order, e.g. alphabetically and try to create a new word. For example, from the name Alex an anagram would be “axle”. What if we can't create an anagram? Then just try using a different word.
However, if we get tired of this game and want to quickly find new anagrams, there is plenty of help available on the Internet such as by using the word search (anagramator) on Just type in the word of interest, choose the appropriate search option and in a moment you will have a ready-made list of words created using letters from your word. Of course, in the classical sense, only those words or phrases having the same length (number of letters) will be anagrams.
Do you play Scrabble or Words With Friends?
Try the Scrabble, Words With Friends dictionary.
Scrabble is one of the most popular word games. There are also several of its online variations, such as Scrabble, Words With Friends. Sometimes while playing, we are not sure of a certain word – after all, not all words have been added to the online dictionary on which our game is based, or we do not remember its correct spelling – which can happen to the best of us.
When playing against time it is not always possible to find a problematic word by browsing the classic Scrabble dictionary. Then, the online scrabble dictionary can come in handy, where we can easily and quickly check the correctness of our word – once more, it is worth visiting the service at
Simply enter the word you are interested in and right away you will know if it can be used in the game or not. During such an online game of Scrabble or Words With Friends, situations can also arise where our mind goes blank and time flies by and you need to quickly make a word and you have some difficult letters at your disposal. Why not get a little help in this case also?
Anagramator – tools for creating and searching for anagrams
The word search engine comes to our help to make anagrams. Online you can find many solutions such as Scrabblemania and Scrabble123. However, we prefer the - - Scrabble dictionary, where we can easily find all the words that are acceptable for word games. Besides Scrabble it can be used for Words With Friends.
Of course, we can also create words from letters to expand our own word base. An interesting option is to play a game on your own, checking, if necessary, what words can be created from whatever you happen to come across or whatever the computer chose for you.
An important skill in word games like Scrabble is the ability to quickly create seven-letter words, for which there is an additional bonus – an online word search engine can also help us with this.
Is it possible to make an anagram from any word?
Unfortunately, not all words can be made into anagrams, however there are many that can. Especially for you we have prepared a list of all the words from which you can arrange anagrams. We grouped the words according to the number of letters and placed under the link Anagrams - words from which you can arrange an anagram. Anagrams - list of words from which you can arrange anagrams.
Anagram, examples
Below are some examples of words. By clicking on the word - you will receive a list of anagrams that can be arranged from the word searched for.